Lufthansa, my love

Up, somewhere between Munich and Sofia, I started realizing how much closer to myself I felt.
Romania is where my family and heart is, Sofia is where my business is. I find it incredibly refreshing to separate them like this, in both time and space. I can now focus, really focus, on each of them at its own time, with no feeling of guilt for the other. I am more of a wife and mother and more of a professional.
And up, in the air between spaces, I suddenly realized I was feeling so much closer to myself here where both halves
of my life are not present. Up, above all clouds, where the sky is always blue, where what I left behind and what awaits ahead are both important and nurturing for me.
I was reading a Tori Amos interview from the Lufthansa magazine. She compared herself with an aromatic spice, that, used in small amounts, brings flavor to food, but if it is put on every meal, it stops being special. I felt like someone was telling me a think I had never realized about myself.
And I embraced all over again the opportunity of dividing my life in two: here, up in the Lufthansa plane, I refresh my spicy self and keep myself special for my beloved ones and my startup life.

View from an airplane window

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